domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

Vocabulary #1

opaque: completely blocking light from passing through.

transparent: letting all light through, so that objects on the other side can be seen cleary

translucent: letting only some light through, so that objects on the other side  appear blurry
polarization: allowing light vibration to pass through in only one direction

refraction: the bending of  light rays as they pass from one subtance into another
convex lens: a lens that curves  outward(is thicker at the middle than the edge) and brings light rays together
concave lens: a lens that curves inward (is thicker at the edges than the middle) and spreads light rays apart

bioluminescence: light produced by living organisms
ligtht ray: a straight-line beam of light  as it travels outward from its source

Law of Reflection: the angle of an incoming light equals the angle of the reflected rays

concave mirror: a mirror that curves in on the shiny side

convex mirror: a mirro that curves out on the shiny side

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